Bayview Homestead Block 9 Card 1
BAYVIEW HOMESTEAD BLOCK 9 CARD 1.tif BAYVIEW HOMESTEA9S I 5'0 L-,'-;"",:,--.Z.- '1~,:,,, l BLOCK 9- CARD I Lots 5,6- auto parking, 7th & Cedar Res 63037 5-14-35 Lots 7 ~ 8- DENIED to H.W. Dempster, H.D. Benner & I.V. Auiler for convalescent & rest home w/20-30 patients at 740 Cedar St, ABOVE- APPEAL sustained by C.C. Lots 7,8, Ely 44 1 of- permit to August & Celestina w/SB not less than main wall of bldg, N end of blk, Ext 1227-50(Res 5201) Res 792 12-21-44 Res 80463 9-16-45 Formost to constr 8-unit, 2-story NW cor 8th Ave & Cedar Res 4834 7-12-50 Lots 7 & 8 Ely 44 1- permit to Harold C. 2-story apt w/SB not less than main wall & Lynn C. McLean & Joseph Avoyer for 10-unit of bldg at N end of blk, NW cor 8th & Cedar Res 6462 5-14-52 Por Lots 2,3- permit to Geo. May, Sr, & Geo. May, Jr. for apt house w/approx 55% cov, 1649 7th Ave, R-4 C-679 1-17-59 apt Lots 10 thru 12- permit to Legler & Grace Benbough to use lots at SW cor 8th & Date for park lots in connwwith Mortuary on adj prop, R-4 C=3468 7-22-60 Lots 10 thru 12 & N 38 1 Lot 2, N 9' Lot 9- to Grace L. & legler Benbough for apt over exis gar for employ of mortuary, and gar for mortuary vehicles, SW cor 8th & Bate C-3656 11-4-60