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Development Services

Bayview Terrace

BAYVIEW TERRACE.tif- '-....... "_,,,..--.....,,,...___,- BAVV I EW TERRACE lt'-6'{-~ const Lot 4- Pennit to William H. Wilson, owner & Earl T. & Sharon Jackson, lessees to sing fam res with attached gar; both gar and dwell to obs 10 1 rear yard where 20 1 is req, at Alcott Ct,, Nely end of Cul de sac, R-1-5. Case 6489 6-J-64 Lot 4- Pennit to Erich H. and Robbin L. Goodbody to const sfd obs 5 1 rear yd at 2446 Alcott Court. Zone R-1-5. C-14237 4-26-77 Lot 3- Permit to Don & Joan Lee Augustine and Michael Morris to erect eight 18 1-high tennis court lights; approximately 200' of 121high, chain-link fence with sun screening, fence to obs at clst pt an 11 1 rear yd and a 2 1 int side yd; to obs a 0 1 rear yd on Lot 15 o.f Bridges Estate, 2434 Alcott Court, Zone R-1-5. Conditions C-14284 10-4-77 Lot 3, Variance approved with conditions, PATRICIA & JACK MATTESON sought to construct a one-story addition to an existing, single-family dwelling observing a 3 1 side yard (existing dwelling observes a 2 1 side yard) where a 6' side yard is required at 2434 Alcott Court, Rl-10,000 Zone C-21355 3-8-96---------------------------------------------------------------------------