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Development Services

Beatty Subd Pl1262 Card 1

BEATTY SUBD PL1262 CARD 1.tif.,,.,,........JO,,#>.... ~.,.--....-.....-...._.. ~... BEATTY SUBDIVISION PL1262 CARO l Lot 3- Pennit DENIED Norton S. & Barbara G Walbridge, owners & Roger Chapin, lessee, to move on a tract sales office & erect & maintain one 4 1 x 8 1 unlighted gound sign, both to be used in connection with apt project & to be maintained for a period not to exceed 1 yr., at 935 Genter St., the southwest cor of Genter & Girard Avenues, Zone R-4 C-7482 11-23-65 Lot 3- ABOVE APPEALED 12-2-65 by Roger Chapin and appeal was denied and the decision of tt Zoning Administrator was sustained and affinned, C-7482 1-24-66 Lot 3- Pennit to Norton Walbridge, owner & Jerome Fee, purchaser, to canst 4-story, 34-uni apt bldg obs from 9 1 to 15 1 SB on Girard Ave., where a 15 1 SB is estab, at 935 Genter St. SW cor of its intersection with Girard Ave., Zone R-4, Cond 1 1-See (,- 'It/[c-8516 2-13-68 Lot 3- AMENDMENT to above (Case No. 8516) to permit constr of 4-story, 34-unit apt bldg, encroach from 511 to 11" into previously approved 9 1 to 15 1 setback along Girard Ave, at points of bldg as shown on revised plans, dated 6-26-68, condl, c-8516 z-2-68 Lot 3- AMENDMENT to above C-8516 to DELETE condition No. I and in its place and instead include: (I) That a 3 1 high wall shall be erected along Girard Ave. except for access driveways approved by the City Engineering Dept. c-8516 4-16-69