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Development Services

Becker Subdivision

BECKER SUBDIVISION.tif ' BECKER SUBDIVISION,c;-o 3'{L,C. '2.-;,, "l : 1o--r Lot 2- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. w/entryway obs 2' side yd (4' side yd, Condi. Roger Becker to req), Zone R-1; complete constr of single- DENIED 2' side yd, but Case No. 5955-family dwel I APPROVED 3' 9-19-63 Lot 3- Permit to Antone L. Aguiar to constr a single fam dwell obs at clost pt a 12' front yd on Ritchey St. and a 16' rear yd, at SE corner of Ritchey & lvoodman, R-1-5. Condit. C-15754 3-8-79-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------