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Bellaire Terrace #3 Card 1

BELLAIRE TERRACE #3 CARD 1.tif BELLAIRE TERRACE NO. 3 Lot 151- ~Permit to Bellaire Bldg, Co. to maintain 16' rear yd (20' req) on res on Du Boise Dr,, Zone R-1 C-1408 8-30-57 Lot 152- Permit to cnarles J. and Leona F. Houcnin to constr fam room and kitchen from exist patio encro 3'6" into req 20' rear yard at 5140 Dubois Dr. betw Caywood St and Providence Rd., Zone R-1-5. Cond 'l. C-8091 N.H. 4-5-67 Lot 139- Permit to R. F. and Marie A. Krieger to maintain approx 5 16" hi block wall obs 8 '10" setback where 3' ht is perm in es tab setback of 10'; at 5012 DuBois Dr betw Appleton J Caywood Sts; Zone R-l--5, Cond'l. c-8776 N.H. 7-17-68 Lot 167- Permit DENIED to Florence M. Strauss for permission to constr a 15 1 6" x 18' fam rm addn to exist sin fam iwell, addn to obs 7' rear yd wnere 20' is req, at 5038 Ovid Place betw Appleton and Caywood Sts in tne R-1-5 Zone C-10511 5-27-71 ABOVE APPEALED AND DENIED and the decision of the Z.A. be, and hereby is sustained and affirmed. C-10511 7-16-71 Lot f> 66- Permit DENIED to E.R. & Gladys DeJonge to maintain a 16 1 x 10~6":f'am rm addn to exist a1n:f'am. dwell; addn obs 9' rear yd wnere 20' is req; at 5024 Ovid Place betv Caywood and Appleton Ste. ZOne R-1-5. c-10883 11-19-71 BZA APPEAL- Appeal DERIED and the decision of' the Assist z.A. is sustained & a:f':f'irmed c-10883 2-18-72 COURCIL APPEAL- Appeal DERIBD c-10883 5-2-72