Bellaire Terrace #3 Card 2
BELLAIRE TERRACE #3 CARD 2.tif BILLAUB 'Dl:RRACE RO. 3 "!, c. ~-, '-. c. '1. '-I'-'- i, ' I CARD # 2 Lot 168- Permit DDIED to Gerard H. & Janice Verkaaik to convert ex.16 1 3" x 23 1611 patio to fam roan attactl to exist sin fam dwell, fam room to obs 12' rear yard vnere 20' is req; at 5060 Ovid Place betv Appleton and Caywood Sta. Zone R-1-5. c-10884 BZA APPEAL- Appeal DDIED and tne decision of tne Asst z.A. COUNCIL APPEAL- Appeal DENIED C-10884 C-10884 11-19-72 is sustained and affirmed 2-18-72 5-2-72---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 111- The Z.A. has considered the request of Daniel & Ellanor L. McSkimmings to constr an 18 1 x 18' room addn to exist sin fam unit obs at closest point 10 1611 rear yd where 20' is req, at 5142 Caywood St.betv Cole St and Duboise Dr., Zone R-1-5 and bas DENIED as requested, but APPROVED room addn obs at closest point 14'6" rear yard. Cond'l. C-11742 1-16-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 168- Permit to Gerald H. & Janice I. Verkaaik to co~vert 258.5' por. of existing 432.5' patio to family roohl attached to existing sin fam dwelli: fam room to obs 16' rear yard where 20'.i~required, at 5060 Ovid Place betwn Appleton and Caywood Streets, Zonec=l-5.---------------------------------------------------- C- 1i.l 56 7_ N. H._________ 4-19- 74_______, Lot 151- Permit to Richard & Arlene Wilson to const 15 1-611 x 12 1-611 fam rm addn to exist sin fam.dwell, addn to obs IS' reary~ where 20 1 req, 5130 Dubois Dr., Zo,:ie.R-1-5. Cond 1 1 C-13263 9-16-75