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Development Services

Bellecrest Block A

BELLECREST BLOCK A.tif ~! BLOCK A l'5'"G:,\ i.,,C.. 2te7 l"lz;t_______,,,--' tot 15- Permit to Joe F. Moorhead to conatr res wbere exist res obs 4 1 rear yd & shed 0' side yd (10' rear & 3' side req), 3624- 46tn C-1737 3/21/58-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------tot 14- Permit to Orville C. & Eliz R. Igelman to const 10'-8" x 18 1-l" living rm add to front por of exist sing fam res wnicn obs 3' rear yd; add to obs all yd req, 3616-46tn, R-4 K.H. C-3960 3/14/61 Lot l- Pennit APPROVED by A2A to KENNETH L. BUTCHER to construct a 432 sq. ft., two-car garage addition to an existing single-ear garage observing a 2.25 1 street side yard where 10' is required on Jot with two existing dwellings, existing garage observes a 2.25' street side yard and to observe a 2 1 rear yard where 4 1 is required in the R-2 Zone, at 4555 Landis Street, Zone R-2. Conditions. c-17615 4-30-82