Bellevue Terrace #1 Map 3593
BELLEVUE TERRACE #1 MAP 3593.tif..,,._.. Lot 2- Permit to Bruce Evans to convert 12 1 x 21' portion of existing gar to bedroom with bath; converted portion obs. a 16 1-611 rear yard where 20' is req, at 839 Colima Street, southwest cor Colima Street and La Jolla Mesa Drive, Zone R-1-5- Cond'l. C-12,284 N.H. 10-31-73 Lot 2- AGREEMENT issued to SHAHLA ESFANDIARY to constr. second story loft area with bath & portion of garage converted to Jiving area at 839 Col ima Street. AGREEMENT #3387 10/23/85 Lot 2- ZA DENIED request of SURUR ROHANY & SHAHLA ESFANDIARY to constr. a 2-story addn. to an existing single-family residence to observe a 3' rear yard setback where a minimum of 4'is required at 839 Colima Street, Zone Rl-5000. C-19183 5/9/86