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Bellevue Terrace #2 Card 2

BELLEVUE TERRACE #2 CARD 2.tif:BELLEVUE TERRACE #2-Lot 11- Permit DENIED to John K. Mowry to convert exist 18 1 x 20' sin gar to guest house on lot with exist sin fam dwell; guest house to obs a 7'-6" rear yard where 20' is req & 3' interior side yard where 4' is req, at 151:Bellevue Place betw Bellevue Ave and end of cul-de-sac, Zone n-1-5. C-12740 7-29-74 Appealed to BZA- Appeal DENIED- 8-30-74----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 11- Request of Mary Jane Patton to convert 18 1 x 20' accessory bldg to guest house, obs 3' sd yd, and obs a 7'6" rear yd; and to provide two pking spaces plus one tandem space where three are req and tandem pking is not permitted at 751 Bellevue Place, Zone R-1-5. DENIED."'BZA APPROVES, overruling ZA's decision. 12-20-76. Condition. C-13894. 1018-71.._.,------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 11, AGREEMENT to Mary Jane Patton to use accessory bldg as guest house at 751 Bellevue Place, Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2235 11/7/77------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------