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Development Services

Belmont Block B

BELMONT BLOCK B.tif BLOCK B -.;,; Lota 15 & N 15' of Lot 16- Permit to Clark Laycock, Sr. to oper 4-unit Court in R-4, cov 54.~, 3063 Suncrest Dr. Res 66647 10/13/37 Lota 43 & 44- to E.E,Ham.blin to const duplex on rear to be served by 4 1 acceas ct on ea side of exist dwell, 4448 Estrella St Res 2798 1/14/48 Lots 24, 25- Permit to Mark & Sylvia Polonsky to const duplex abv exist gar w/11 1-6 11 rear yard, 4423-29- 48th St, Zone R-4 C-126 4/7/54 Lots 24,25- Permit to SAME to const 2 units over exist gar, total 6 units, 4427- 48th C-3343 6/1/60 AMEND ABOVE to 9-4 access ct in front of porches of exist units 8/16/60 Lots 54 & 55- Permit to 5th Church of Christ Scientist to use property for a parking lot to serve church across the street to the east, 4480-82 Estrella Ave., Zone R-4, Cond'l C-13, 162 10-9-75 Lot 28 & 60- ZA APPROVED request of ALLISON MCCLOSKEY ESCROW CO., OWNER, ROY & BETTY STRACENER, LESSEES to install five space parking lot in an R-600 zone (serving an adjacent commercial office bldg.) where parking facilities are permitted only by Conditional Use Permit at 4415 48th St., Zone R-600. C-19075 1/31/86