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Development Services

Bennett Subd

BENNETT SUBD.tif fttNNETT SU60. 0 Lot- Pennit to Humble Oil Co, (as amd) to construct serv stat (1) eliminating 5' hi wall separating premises adjacent residential property where such a wall is req; (2) maintaining planting strip ranging in width from 5 1 to 10 1 where a 10 1 planting strip is req adj to streets, roads and highways; (3) area lighters encroaching 6 1 into req 10 1 planting strip where no encro is perm at 9799 Miramar Rd,, SE cor of Miramar Rd. & Kearny Mesa~~ Zone C-lA condl rlm,417~-/~-~ C-9204 4-17-69