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Development Services

Berkely Heights Block 3

BERKELY HEIGHTS BLOCK 3.tif ll BLOCK 3 Lot 35 & Wly Lot 36, Lot 37 a, Lot 36 exc Wly - Permit to Marvin Stewart to dev R-4 s-2n,272 1/24/55 Lots 20,21- Permit to Jobn Erickson to const veranda add to ob 10' SB ~rom Rex (18 1 req) c-4121 6/1/61 Lots-44-li-b---Permit- to-Mi I ton- Levine- to- maintain- exi st-15- unit- apartment- bldg- now under-- cons tr with one req off-st parking space obs 11 611 St sideyd where 10' is req- 5208 Wightman St betw 52nd St & Shiloh Rd, Zone R-4, Condi. C-11196 N.H. 4-12-72