Berkely Heights Block 4
BERKELY HEIGHTS BLOCK 4.tif tote 34,35- Permit DEIIIED to Wm S & Ada Moyer to erect duplex accese, 5350 Wightman Res 6599 in rear of exist res e:~ 7/9/52 Lot 4,5- Permit to Bill M &Helen Rosebush to const 6 x 9' add to gar & coav gar & add to liv rm; add to obs SB of exist res (15'), 5315 Rex Res 7601 7/22/53 Lota 42,43,44- Permit to Paul E. Hartson to conatr 2 duplexes, not to extend beyond exiat res to tbe W, B aide Wigntman Rea 8500 9/29/54 p~"-c-.-~t-;._ 4_5_ &_ 46_:-Per'inlt_ to_'i-i> nt_ aiid_c:l"iii-a Pi-lnce-to-converYexTst1.nif si'iic'kl'" ~'tt> "" nmr room with bar sink addn and closet on lot with non-conforming sin fam dwell (front yard on Shiloh Rd.) conversion and addn to obs 51 rear yard where 151 is req, at the northeast cor at intersection with Wightman St., Zone R-4- Cond' 1. C-12,257 ll-6-73--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------