Bernardo Greens #3
BERNARDO GREENS #3.tif.... ~i-- BERNARDO GREENS UNIT NO. 3 Lots 406, 407, 408 & 409-'Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc. to const sing fam homes to be used as model homes with sales office in gar on Lot 406; with a total sign area of 160 sq. ft. for model homes and sales office; model homes and sales office to be closer than 200 1 of occupied dwells not of the same subd; on Pomerado Ct. and Pomerado ',tay betw hontura Dr. & cul-de-sac, Zone R-1-5, on condn the variance '15elfor a period of l yr to exp 9-1-68. 1,...,. ext to Yn 9-1-69 (9-6-68)._,__.,,_- Case No,, 8220 N.H.. /'._. 8-21-t1~,,\ &fl,1 -.-..,,/~, l:t L/ / l 1 I': C-i /;,> 9' /--7,C, (-f' 7 1,/, 't 'i2-l.'1v-?I.-_____--------------~----~~~----M------........----~-~-----~-~--- ~~~~-...f-"L, Lots 406 & 410- Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc. to erect 4 1 high split rail fence encro 15' into estab 15' SB on Pomerado Ct. & 10 1 into estab 101 SB on Pomerado liay where a max 3 1 high fence is perm, at Pomerado Ct. at the NE & NW cors of Pomerado Ct. & Pomerado Way, Zone R-1-5 Cond 1 1. 1 yr ext, to exp 9-1-69 (9-6-68) '~",_1_ 1C~!Jo. 1~4~6 7N,.!i,-/___ ~.;__ 1 lZ:~-67_,.,.J.J__________________________________._._...,_:;--.._... ~_____..,__....,..,_______;___ J._'t._L_!J.a..__ "kJa:.m,J Lot 410- Permit to Reill Homes, Inc. to const sing ram dwell with por obs 16 16 11 rear yd where 20 1 is req, at 12450 Pomerado Ct., Zone R-1-5. Case No. 8899 N.H. 9-24-68-----------------------------------------------------------------.,