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Development Services

Bernardo Greens West #3

BERNARDO GREENS WEST #3.tif BERNARDO GREENS WEST #3 ~1Cf.~ i..,C.. ~ 1" l\"-\j Lot 2237- Permit to Avco Community Developers, Inc., owner and George M. F. Williams, Purcn, to constr sin fam dwell witn por obs 6' street side yard on Graciosa Rd wnere 10' is req, at SE cor Bajada Rd and Graciosa Rd. Zone R-1-5, C-10491 N.H. 4-28-n IDt 2270- ZA APPROVED request of CLARENCE V. AND JUANITA A. MEHLHOFF to construct a one- story, 224 sq. ft. addition to an existing, one-story, single-family dwelling, said addition observe a mininrum 10'-3" front yard at the closest point where 15'-0" is required located at 17376 Graciosa Road, Rl-5000 zone. with conditions C-20790 6/21/91