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Development Services

Bernardo Greens West #4

BERNARDO GREENS WEST #4.tif BERNARDO GREENS Wl!ST, Unit No. 4 C..:. 7q 1 L' <.,-~ ''-I- n ll 7------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Permit to RANCHO BERNARDO, INC., owner, to constr & operatea 22-lot, Planned Unit Devel. ment, located betw Ba.Jada Rd. and the golf course; Zone R-1-5, condtl. CUP 141-PC 6/15/67----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2277- Permit to William W. Henry and Judith L. obs a O' front yard at 17291 Bernardo Center Drive. 10-11-78. Henry to const a 15.5' x 22 1 workshop R-1-5 Zone. Conditions. C-15571 NH.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------