Bernardo Industrial Park #13
BERNARDO INDUSTRIAL PARK #13.tif BERNARDO INDUSTRIAL PARK #13 7 (.> ":!> \.. L1 '- i-,-~ i " Lot 25- Planning Commission approved Amendment No, 2 to Sony Corporation to pennit the constr of an additional 220,672 sq. ft. warehouse and assembly building, together with 212 atlditional parking spaces and related landscaping on the east side of Via Del 8ampo in Rancho Bernardo in the M-1.P zone. Planning Commission Res No. 227 c M-IP #2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Portion of Lot 25- Permission is granted to the Owner/Permittee to construct, operate and maintain an expansion and remodelling of an existing industrial/manufacturing complex on a 30.2 acre site located at the northeast corner of the intersection of West Bernardo Drive and Via del Campo. MIP #90-0274 (Amendment to MIP#2) 5/25/90