Bernardo Industrial Park North Card 1
BERNARDO INDUSTRIAL PARK NORTH CARD 1.tif BERNARDO INDUSTRIAL PARK NORT,H,. CARD #14' Lots 8 and 9- Permit GRANTED to THE MONTADURA, A General Partnership, to grade, install utilities, improvements and landscaping on a 34.4 acre site located southerly of Rancho Bernardo Road between Via Del Campo and West Bernardo Drive, Zone M-IP. M-lP #83-0437 8-26-83 wt 7- ZA APPROVED anendrrent to allow DOUGLAS E BARNHARl' INC, A CALIF CORP, CWNER: NER TAMID SYNAGOGUE, LESSEE to allow an expansion of leased space to acccmrodate a School and BOT for the CUP, located at 17091 Via Tazon, Rancho Bernardo M-lP Zone, with conditions: CUP- 20294 3-18-94