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Development Services

Bernardo Industrial Park Unit #12 Card 2

BERNARDO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT #12 CARD 2.tif BERNARDO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT /112 L-'..?,.... ~! i. ' i Card #2 Lot 17- ZA APPROVED with conditions the Satellite Antenna Permit sought by Sunhala Enterprises, owner; Kahle/Publishers Aide, a Division of Kahle New Company, Inc., lessee, to install a satellite antenna on the roof of an existing two-story industrial building, located at 10968 Via Frontera, M-IP zone. C-20321 6-30-89 Lots 21-23- MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIAL PARK PERMIT is GRANTED by the Planning Director of the City of San Diego to NORTHERN TELECOM INCORP,, a Delaware Corp,, Owner/Permittee, to construct, operate and maintain a two-story addition to the existing manufacturing and office building by amending an existing permit (MIP NO, 84-0095), located on 11,3 ac site on the west side of West Bernardo Dr, between Via Frontera and Vis Del Campo within the Rancho Bernardo Comm. Plan. Map 7621 MIP NO, 88-1255 4/6/89