Bernardo Industrial Park Unit #16 Card 1
BERNARDO INDUSTRIAL PARK UNIT #16 CARD 1.tif BER.NARDO I NOU STR I Al PARK # 1 6 1:1' o l.. i.. (,, '-.?, 0 "6, \ 1 ';. "\ CARO e Lot 29- Permit to AVCO COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS, INC. to construct four mini-warehouses observ- ing at closest point a 12 1 interior side yard. Located on the south side of Via Frontera, near the westerly terminus, Zone M-18. Condition. C-15573 NH 10-24-78 Lot 29- Permit to AVCO COMMUNITY DEVELOPERS, INC., at 10915 Via Frontera, Zone M-18 (Near westerly terminus) to construct utility building observing 10 1 interior side yard. C-15900 5-3-79 Lots 31 and 32- Permit APPROVED to BURROUGHS CORPORATION to develop an industrial building on a vacant, 21 acre parcel in the Rancho Bernardo Community, located at the northerly end of Vi a Frontera, Zone M-1 P. M-IP #37 9-21-78 Lot 50- Permit is granted to THE DOUGLAS ALLRED CO., a health club & day care center locaton the west side Bernardo Rd. & Via Del Campo Court, Zoned M-IP. a Cal if. Corp, Permitee, of Via del Campo between. CUP#83-0776 PC to develop Rancho 1 /19/84 Lot 29 ZA APPROVED request to amend C-15900 for RANCHO BERNARDO MINI WAREHOUSE, A LTD. PARTNERSHIP to add a second story to the three mini warehouses (B,C,D) observing a 10' interior yard at the closest point at 10905 Via Frontera, Zone M-lB with conds. C-15573(amendment) 6/5/87---------------------------------------------------------------