Bernardo Town Center #5 Card 1
BERNARDO TOWN CENTER #5 CARD 1.tif BERNARDO TOWN CENTER #5 Card 111 Lot 15- Permit to California First Bank to erect 3'5"x10' illuminated monument ground sign 5' high observing 0' street side yard on Bernardo Center Drive. Corner of Bernardo Center Drive and Bernardo Plaza Court. CA and CA-S Zone. C-15032 NH. 3-20-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parcels i; 3 and 4 of PM #7154, Lot 29, 30 and 31 of Map #7890, Lot 17, Map #7601 and Lots 43 and 44 of Map #8525, Bernardo Town Centers 5, 6, 7 and 9- Permit to Avco Col!ITiunity Builders and Glendale Federal Savings to eliminate 6 1 sol id wall req between commerciali zoned,u1111K.t.xproperties and residentially zoned properties on the east side of 1-5 between Bernardo Center Drive and Rancho Bernardo Road. Condition. C-15280 NH. 6-28-78. CA-S Zo'1e, Lots 50 & 51- ZA APPROVED request of RANCHO BERNARDO HOTEL ASSOCIATES to constr. a 4-story hotel bldg. observing a 0 1 interior side yard where a 16' interior side yard is reqd, and to eliminate requirements for a min. 6 1 hi wall on west property 1 ine when commercial property abuts residentially zone paroperty at the end of Bernardo Plaza Court, Zone CA with conds. C-19015 12/6/85 L-of 1s-; Map 7601, sign variance to erect a 6'-0" high, 37 sa. ft. around-- s~gn on 218' frontage (Bernardo Center Drive) with an existing ground sign wnere frontage must exceed 250' to have a second ground sign. 16890 Bernardo Center_ Drive,_ Zone_ CA___ DENIED___ 1/23/ 87_ r C c:611.5,? ~ e.... /3Zlt PF-NIED_ t/.2.3;~ ~---