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Bernardo Trails #1 Card 3

BERNARDO TRAILS #1 CARD 3.tif / BERNAROO TRAILS #1 lot 2005- Bia:::K 130- Agree that GOORGE & FLORENCE SHANOR CCNSI'RUCT an addition to single-family dwelling consisting of family & utility roan with wet bar in family roan and bedroan w/outside access; 17995 Bernardo Trails Dr. ZOOE A-1-1. AGREE 3641 2-13-87 Lot 1988- ZA has APPROVED for SIDNEY L & SANDRA G STONE: GEORGE & JEANETTE MARTY- to erect (1) a 30'-0" long, maximum 3 1-0" high wall on Lot 2010 and (2) a 42'-0" maximum 3'-0" high wall on Lot 1988, with letters 0'-12" high x 8'-0" long (12 sq. ft.) identifiying "The Trails", to observe a 0'-0" front and street side yard on Lot 1988 and 20'-0" street side yards are required; where such use is permitted only by CUP, at 18325 & 18320 Bernardo Trails DR, Map 7075, A-1-1 zone. C 19739 10/2/87 Lot 1988- ZA DENIED as requested but APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by George and Jeannette Marty to (1) maintain 122 linear ft. of combination retaining wall and solid wall observing 0'4" front yard, ranging in height from 3'2'' to 7 1 311; and (2) maintenance of 4'0" into the public right-of-way along Bernardo Trails, located at 18320 Bernardo Trails Drive, Al-1 zone. c-20084 11-02-88