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Bernardo Trails #4 Card 1

BERNARDO TRAILS #4 CARD 1.tif._.,... ~-.,_...--- -......__...-- BERNARDO TRAILS #4.(CARD #1 Lot 2294- Permit APPROVED by AZA to ANDREW J. AND DESSIE KUSTER SEVERSON to erect approximately 22 1 of 0 1 to 5' retaining wall with a closed 3' fence above, to observe a 4 1 front yard at the closest point where a 3' is the maximum permitted in a required 25' front yard, at T~17 Lunada Place, Zone A-1-1. Condition. C-17050 NH 11-25-80 Lot 2318- AGREEMENT to ROBERT & KAREN DETERMAN to construct a I-story, single-family dwelling with bar s)nk in recreation room, at 12929 Angosto Way, Zone A-1-1.. 1' AGREEMENT 2669 5-28-8 I Lot 2336- AGREEMENT to FRANKL. AND BARBARA H. RANDALL to construct a pool cabana to include a bath and bar sink, at 13053 Polvera Avenue, Zone A-1-1. AGREEMENT #2893 1-12-83 Lot 2312- Permit APPROVED by A2A to THOMAS R, AND VIRGINIA J. COLANDREA to construct a single-family nome with an attached garage; garage to observe a 20' front yard at the c I osest point where a 25 1 front yard is-required, located at 12988 Angos to Way, Zone A-1-1. Conditio~ AMENDED 8-19-83,, C-18105 NH 6-30-83 Lot 2312- AGREEMENT to TOM & VIRGINIA COLANDREA to construct a single-family dwelling with bar sink in family room on first floor, located at 12988 Angosta Way, Zone A-1-1. AGREEMENT #2948 7-7-83__...