Bernardo Trails Unit #5 Card 2
BERNARDO TRAILS UNIT #5 CARD 2.tif-....,. 4 '!'.- "'...- ~-,.. ., --..- ,.,. 8ERNARDO nAILS UNIT #5 '\'"Z:t-'-" l, C... ~,~- 1-, ~~ CARD #~., Lot 2372- Pennit APPROVED by ZA to DONALD J. AND MARY SPENCER to construct tenn with (1) eight 18' high lights; (2) erect approximately 24o 1 of concrete block retaining wal I ranging in height from 3' to 10', observing a 10 1 and 13 1-611 interior side yard J and 12' rear yard where a maximum 6 1 high retaining wall and maximum 3'-6" high open fence on top is permitted in the required 20' interior side yard and 25 1 rear yard, at 18675 Avenida Cordillera, Zone A-1-1. Conditions. C-17878 1-7-83 Lot 2373- Pennit was considered by ZA to C & E STAFFORD, INC, to (I) construct a tennis court with eight 18' high tennis court lights; (2) erect approximately 90' of 10' high fence and wall to observe a 0 1 interior yard where maximum6 1 high fence is permitted J in 20' interior yard, and (3) 10' high fence to observe a 5' street side yard on Avenida Cordillera where maximum 3' high fence and wall is permitt~cl in the required 20' yard, located at 18715 Bernardo Trails Drive, Zone A-1-1. DECISION: DENIED as required, but APPROVED (1) construction of a tennis court with eight 18' high tennis court lights; and (2) erection of approximately 90' of JO' high fence and wall to observe a:0 1 interior yard where maximum 6 1 high fence is permitted in 20' interior yard. Conditions. t APPEAL WAS SUBMITTED, BUT NOT HEARD. INSTEAD- CUP 17989 4-15=83 AMENDED 5-9-83-----------------------------------Lot 2347- AGRrEMENT to PAUL HENDREN to construct a one and two-story single-family dwell- ing with second floor maid's quarters with bar sink over the garage, located at 18748 Olmeda Place, Zone A-1-1. AGREEMENT #2939 6-24-83