Bernardo Trails Unit #6 Card 2
BERNARDO TRAILS UNIT #6 CARD 2.tif BERNARDO TRAIL UNIT #6 CARD #2 Lot 2393- AGREEMENT With BERNARD & SHIRLIE JOHNSON to constr. addn. to existing single- family residence to include bedroom; bath & bar sink, with exterior only access at 13114 Polvera Avenue, Zone Al-1. AGREE. #3437 2/19/86-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 2406- Variance not needed for property at 18889 Bernardo Trails Dr. Case TABLED. 7/17/87 C-19680-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 2395- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Hillside Review Permit to TRICOR, an Arizona corporation, owner/permittee, to construct a single-family residence, located on the north side of Polvera Avenue between Angosta Way and Bernardo Trails Drive, A-1-1 (HR) zone. Hillside Review Permit #87-0501 1-8-88 Lot 2397- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Hillside Review Permit to GCOR, an Arizona corporation, owner/permittee, to construct a single-family residencre, located on the north side of Polvera Avenue between Angosta Way and Bernardo Trails Drive, A-1-1 (HR) zone. Hillside Review Permit #87-0502 1-8-88 Lot 2398- PLANNING DIRECTOR GRANTED a Hillside Review Permit to PCOR, an Arizona corporation, owner/permittee, to construct a singel-family residence, located of the north side of Polvera Avenue between Angosta Way and Bernardo Trails Drive, A-1-1 zone. Hillside Review Permit #87-0503 1-8-88