Bernardo Village Card 1
BERNARDO VILLAGE CARD 1.tif BERNARDO VILLAGE L, L.. I Lot I {Tent)- Permit to W.R. Hawn & Harry L. Summers to const shopping center maintaing proximately 2.75 sq. ft. of parking for each sq. ft. of bldg. {por Rancho San Bernardo), SW cor Pomerado Rd. & Rancho Bernardo Rd., proposed C-lA (subj to recording map) Zone ap1 Amended 12-17-65 Case 5658 5-8-63 Lot 1- Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc. to const sing face, 8 1 x 20 1 sign advertising proposed shopping center on site for a period of I yr., on SW cor Rancho Bernardo Rd. & Pornerado Rd. Case 5569 4-12-63 Lot 2- Permit to W.R. Hawn & Harry Summers, owners & Shell Oil Co., Les to erect & main 8 1 CBS sign, double-faced, interior lted on 24 1 high pole behind SBline DENIED but APPROVED two dbl-feed 4411 x 6411 united mtd poster frame signs obs 11 SB & 4 floodlt poles obs 8 1 SB from both sts; & to install two 5 1 inter lted signs on bldg pylons, zone RC-IA, (15 1 SB req) & signs att to bldg req) at NW cor Rancho Bernardo Rd & Pomerado Rd. Case 5876_8-16-63 Lot 3- Permit to Rancho Bernardo, Inc., owner & texaco, Inc., lessee to const gasoline service station on premises with one circular 6 1 diameter, plastic, 1 ighted, "Texaco" roof sign on service station roof where sign attached to face of bldg not proj above eaves or parapet is perm; & erect 5 light poles in req 10 1 planting strip, three on Rancho Bernardo Rd. to obs 1811 SB where 15 1 is estab, and two on Pomerado Rd, obs 1811 SB where 15 1 is estab, where no structures are perm in req 10 1 planting strip, at SE cor Rancho Bernardo Rd. & Pomerado Rd., Zone RC=lA, condl. Case No. 6942 & 6943 2-9-65