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Development Services

Beth El Park Card 2

BETH EL PARK CARD 2.tif BETH EL PARK:_,, ~-. " Lot 1- ZA has APPROVED the request of CLA I REMONT BAPTIST TEMPLE, owner, HANDLED WI TH CARE CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL, lessee, to establish a preschool using two classrooms & play area of an existing church, with a max. of 20 students, ages two to six years at 3410 Mt. Acadia B 1 vd., Zone R 1-5000, subj to cond. C-18575 9/21/84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------!.Dt 1- ZA APPOOVED arrendrrent request by CTAIREMJNT BAPTIST TEMPLE to 1) construct a 128 sq. ft. addition to an existing church and office bldg.; 2) enclose and existing 432 sq. ft. breezeway; located at 3410 Mt. Acadia Blvd.; Rl-5000 Zone. Conditions. C-4860 4-29-86