Beverly Block 15 Card 1
BEVERLY BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif UVIRLY BLOCK 15 ~ Lota 68, 69, 70- Permit to Ilene & Robt Hatcher to contr picket fence 4 1 hi in front of SB line at 5441 Creston Dr Rea 2704 12/3/47 Lot 24- to rediv lot into 2 par, 1 RWly 50' vested in UC Severin; remainder vested in Donald T, Doren & erect sing tam re on ea, Send Melrose Pl Rea 6922 10/29/52 Lot 17- DDIED to Kenneth K Jones, Jr to constr 2-story triplex, present res removed, 5275 Roswell Res 8o86 3/31/54-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nly 100' Lot 76- Permit to DE Trailer to const sing tam res on par not ot record b;ut split prior to 12/5/54, SEly cor Roswell & Creston Rea 9350 12/21/55----------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------ Lots 7-9- Permit to Walter J. Sarnaw, own, Alpha L. Montgomery, purch to constr sing tam res w/out full frontage on ded at, Roswell & Winston C-1099 Ex.t,9/5/57 4/1/57 Por Lots 75,76- Permit to Ruby Thomas, own & Joseph D & Betty J Howie, purcb to constr 2 units on par split prior to 12/5/54, not having full front on ded. st, E side Creston C-1476 10/18/57 Lot to George L. Steveu to develop 1ub.1ect property located at tile Sly terminua of Bel.Ila Place betv Ronell St and Glen Road. ZODe R-2. LC-~ 3-l-72