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Development Services

Beverly Block 2

BEVERLY BLOCK 2.tif Lota 8,9- Permit to Jesae L. & Minnie M. Hudson to conat & oper retail nursery, E side Euclid, 2300' Not Market Res 2799 1/14/48 Lota 8,9- AMEllD ABOVE to penni t conatr of bldg for retail aa.lea of atock & to add to lath houae ,, ~ 'I, '1 Res. 3644 12/29/48 Lota 8,9- DERIED to Al!OVE to erect 672 aq. ft. latb houae add & 128 sq. ft. ator~e rm add to exist latb house Rea 5510 5/2/51 APPEAL ABOVE- DENIED CC 102584 6/7/51 SAME- ZC overruled & agree sign to remove all bldgs allowed under Res 2799 if it is not renewed 2:-__;- CC 103395 8/16/51 AGREEMENT #735 on ABOVE 8/16/51 Lot 14 Appl.ieatiori of.Joseph P. and Mildred L. Hawkins to maintain 94 sq ft of sign area as follows: (1) 3' x 4 dble-faced, int-lited sign perpendici.a.r to bldg & extending 3' above parapet wall, 12 sq f't; (2) bulletin board 2' x 24" on porch posts plus 6" x 16 1 rider on eaves of porch, 56 sq ft; (3) sign painted on parapet wall l' x 13', 13 sq ft; (4) sign painted on side of bldg l' x 13', 13 sq ft, where 18 sq ft of sign area is perm & signs must be to face of bldg & not proj above eaves or parapet of bld~; at 1005 Euclid Ave betw Hilltop Dr & Geneva Ave, Zone RP. (1) APPROVED; (2) APPROVED; (3) DENIED; (4) DENIED- Condl. i <2-r:w:n.le-/. 9-19- 1y Case No. 8682 6-3-68