Beverly Block 4
BEVERLY BLOCK 4.tif,. BLOCJC 4 ' Wet l20 ft. of Lot 30,31, & 32, and All of Lots 33 3Jt. except Freeway- AGllUMD'f' #1032 to 'l'ho A. and Mabel L. Taoap1011 to contruct three duplex on above lot split out after date of original zoning but before Decellber 5, 1954 Cae Bo. 2li-61 '4/27/59 E of Sl0' of Lot 6 & E Lot 7- Permit to Mr, & Mr1. Clifford A. Lorenz to constr 2hd sing tam res at 5121 Geneve, R-2; parcel split after zoning but prior to 12/5/54 c-1635 2/7/58. W 120' Lots 30-32, All Lots 33-34 exc Frvy- Permit to Tbomas A. & Mabel Tnompson to constr 3 duplexes on Pora of 5 R-2 lots split prior to 12/5/54, 514li-;4 Geneva C-2461. Par Lots 24 thru 28- Permit to Joe Wolf to canst recrm over gar with bar sink, 5141 Geneva Ave, Zone R-1-6 AGREE #2118 11-11-75 Par. of Lots 24- 28- ZA has DENIED the regs. of JOE WOLF, JR. and HELEN C. WOLF to constr, a 644 sq.ft. guest house over a new carport on a lot with an existing SFD. (There is an existing rectrm. over the attached agarage by A-2118) located at 5141 Geneva Avenue, Zon Rl-6000. C-18708 2/15/85---------------------------------------------------------------------------