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Development Services

Beverly Heights Card 2

BEVERLY HEIGHTS CARD 2.tif 9EVRLV HEIGHTS CARD 2 Lot 11- Permit to Howard Steinwinter to div into 3 bldg sites, Rhoda Drive Res 6292 3-19-52 Ely por Lot 12- to Chas H & Jean G Darby, own, constr bathrm in gar, exist res obs 1' side yd, & Richard & 7455 Pepita c-2289 Jean Cromwell, Jr, purch, to Lot 12- AMEND C-2289, allow exist trellis to remain W Lot 3- Permit to Martha A. Steffan to const approx 16 sq. res which obs 12' rear yd; add to obs all req, 7441 Cabrlll~ C-4062 NH 2-6-59 5-12-59 ft. closet add to sing fam 4-26-61 Wly por Lot 9- Permit to Park & Margaret E Phipps to erect 5 1 high grapestk fence across Sly side obs O' SB onRHoda Dr, 7455 Miramar Ave c-4936 5-15-62 Lot 9- ZA denied request of MARCIA HOOTMAN in Case No. 19340 as requested, but APPROVED item #1: "To observe an 8' front yard where 15' is reqd with the garage and structure above the garage to obs a 3' front yard where 15' is reqd"--subject to conditions. Parcel 2, Parcel Map 9152, westerly por of Lot 9,Uap #2229, at Miramar Ave & C-19340 11-7-86 Rhoda Dr, Zone Rl-5000. ff~T u>.JI-,"/ /1-7-- zo ('7?r)