Beverly Heights Card 5
BEVERLY HEIGHTS CARD 5.tif BEVERLY HEIGHTS CARD 5 Por Lot 9- Permit to Mrs. Gail Kavanaugh to constr a sin fam res with gar; structure obs 0' front SB where 15 1 is estab., At Rhoda Dr betw Miramar Ave and Ely end of street. Zone R-1-5. Cond 1 l C-11260 6-9-72 Por Lot 9- Permit to Stephanie Lobeski, Owner and Betty & Gene Mott, Purch on the AMENDED request to constr a two-story, sin fam dwell with atach garage in front; dwelling to obs a 37 1 height where 30 1 is the max perm; and gar to obs 4 1611 SB where 15 1 SB is estab; at 1336 Rhoda Drive betw Miramar Ave and end of Rhoda, Zone R-1-5. C-11591 11-10-72 Lot 12- Permit to William and Gail Smith to constr lower level addn with bar sink to exist sin fam res at 7465 Pepita Way. AGREE #1808 11-7-72 So 70 1 Lot 5- Permit to Helen Mayer Ryan to constr a 2nd story studio addn to exist sin fam dwell with bar sink in addition at 7501 Miramar Ave. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1864 6-11-73 Por Lot 9- Permit to Margaret E. and Park Phipps to const 2 1 x 13 1 dining room addn with 4 1 x 14 1 sunshade for exist sin fam dwell; addn to obs 22 1 SB from property line on Miramar Ave. where 30 1 is estab (existing dwelling obs 22 1 SB) betwn Rhoda Dr. and Pearl St., Zone R-1-5. C-12,382 NH 12-19-73