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Development Services

Bird Rock Add Map 1083

BIRD ROCK ADD MAP 1083.tif BiRO ROCK AOOITION, Map #1083 Lot 7- ZA DENIED request of CHRISTINE MATTSON to maintain existing 300 sq. ft. guest quarters attached to garage on lot with existing single-fam. dwelling; guest quarters observe a 1' 1 interior side yd where a 4 1 side yd is reqd. at 5439 Beaumont Avenue, Zone Rl-5000, with cond. C-18672 12/21/84 APPEALED to BZA on 2/20/85- BZA overruled ZA's decision & APPROVED request with conds. APPEALED to CITY PAUL MORRIS & DAVID J. COMSTOCK from the decision of the BZA. CITY COUNCIL DENIED request, decision of BZA remains in force including conds. 2/20/85 Lot 24 & por. 25- AGREEMENT with Patricia Dexheimer- to constr. a second-story deck addn. with stairway providing outside access to the 2nd-story of existing 2-story SFD at 5444 Beau- mont Avenue, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT# 3182 10/23/84--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 3- Agreement with Rocky and Carolyn Frost to construct a detached garage with 3/4 bath on a lot with an existing single family dwelling, located at 714 Forward Street, Zone Rl-5000. AGREEMENT #4319 6-22-89-----------------------------------------------------------------------------