Bird Rock Addition Block 23 Card 1
BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 23 CARD 1.tif JIB ROCK,.ADDIIIOI' BLOCK 23. ~.--.... \- Lota 18-29- Permit to Nela,G. Severin to conatr 8 res w/4' aideyd on ea aide, Beaumont St. Rea 202-9 11/5/42------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 13-15- Permit to Union Title to div into 2 bldg sites Ree 368 8/19/43--------- ~-----------------------------~-------------------------------------------------- Lota 3,4- Permit to Fred R. & Exzilda M. Howard to conv exist gar into servant quarters, 2 bdrms & bath w/12' rear yd Res 2013 1/30/47 Wly 65 1 Lots 13-15- Permit to Wm A & H Davis, Jr. to eonst 20' x 25' gar w/7'-6" SB & 5' wall w/0' SB, 504 Colima St Res 7824 10/14/53 N Lot 17, Lot 18 & s Lot 19- Permit to Perey R. & Adas. Hill to const add of serv porch & stor rm to rear of exist & conv exist atten gar, having 4' side yd, 5414 Beaumont C-153 7/19/54 Lot 17, s Lot 19, All Lot 18- Permit to Peter H. & Shirley w. Selby to const add of 2 bdrms & batn to exist res naving 4 1 side yd (5' req) & 2' from fireplace to p/1 (3'-9'' req); add to obs all req, 5414 Beaumont Ave C-1495 11/1/57 SAME ABOVE to eonst bdrm & bath add to gar & dining rm add, 4 1 sideyd, 2'-ll" from fireplace to p/1, 5414 Beaumont Ave C-3373 5/26/60 Lqts 9i.!O- DENIED to Anna H. J'reres & son, Wm.P. to remodel exist sing fam res on parcel W/3 slug fam res, 5423 La Jolla Hermosa Ave,cl'l-1 C-3784. 1/13/61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------