Bird Rock Addition Block 24 Card 2
BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 24 CARD 2.tif BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 24 Lot 7- ZA DENIED request of CHRISTINE MATTSON to maintain existing 300 dq. ft, guest quarters attached to ~arage on lot with existing single-family dwelling; guest quarters ob- serve al' interior side yard where a 4 1 side yard is reqd,, Zone Rl-5000, at 5439 Beaumont Avenue. C-18672-. 12/21/84 APPEALED to BZA on 2/20/85- BZA APPROVED with conds, ZA overruled.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Being a lot line aq p.stnent and consolidation of lots 13,14 & 15. PM 15741 recorded 7/20.89