Bird Rock Addition Block 29
BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 29.tif BIRD ROCK ADDITION Lot l aod w of Lot 2- Permit to George Klicka, Jr. to change into one parcel to permit one sin fam res at Golima st.' Res 618 5-25~44.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7-8 and w of Lot 9- Permit to A.T. La Point, Sr aod Jr. to divide into 2 bldg sites, Colima St. 100' W of La Jolla Mesa Dr on south side. Res 4546 3-22-50-----------------------------------------------------------------------1~------------------- Lot l and w of Lot,:.2- Permit to Robert & Katharine Cowan to cons tr guest house with bar sink on lot with exist sin fam dwell at 753 Colima St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #1999 9-18-74 Lot I and Por Lot 2- Permit to Robert H. and Katherine H. Cowan and Donald C. Mitchell, Trustees, to main guest house on lot w exs sfd and to provide the three req pking spaces, one space to obs a 4 1 611 st sd yd on Bellevue Ave where JO' is req at 753 Col ima Street, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-14240. 4-2H-77.-------------------------------------------~orN-t13'0NNr~-~~rr----------------------------- Lot 7 and W 10 ft. of Lot 8- CASE TABLED; applican~withdrew=-;equest and complied with fence regulation; at 787 Colima Street, Rl-5000 zone, Coastal Zone. C-20016 11-27-89