Bird Rock City By The Sea Block 16
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 16.tif... BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 16 Lot 11, 12 & N 20' of ~3- Permit to Union Title Ins. & Tr Co to divide into 2 bldg sites, Chelsea Ave. Res #391 9-2-43 Lot 2 {Sly 1.0') & all of Lot 3-7- Permit to The M. Hall Co. to divide into 4 parcels of land to permit a res on each parcel, Chelsea Ave. Res. #501 1-13-44 ~ot 26- Cond'l permit to J. Norman /Blvd, with max coverage of 71~ A 422 & Marie K. Mastro to build temporary res at 561.6 L. J. Res. #1587 6-20-46 Lot 14- Karen Fulton DENIED permit to convert res into duplex by altering gar into apart- ment, making 3rd unit on lot, & maintain exist 7' rear yd & no sideyd & to use exist 3' sideyd as access court for rear units, 5616 La Jolla Blvd. Res. #3346 8-11-48 Lot 8- Permit to Mobilhome Corp for Inez Pugh & Virginia C. Burch to move a garage from 2751 Frontier st. to Chelsea Ave. La.Jolla. HM Res. #636 1-23-50 Lot 8- Fermi t to Mobil.home Corp for Inez Pugh & Virginia C Burch to move a sing t'am res from 2751 Frontier St. to Chelsea Ave. L,J. Jl BM Res #635 1-23-50 JLot 17- Marion Hansen DENIED permit to const sing fam res#in rear of lot me.king 2 fem res on prop with no access to st 5626 L. J. Blvd. Res 5725 7-25-51