Bird Rock City By The Sea Block 3 Card 1
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 3 CARD 1.tif -- -,....,.--,,.___,,,,_,.,..,if:,--...,.W- "":".s.,.,;i;,,- ~-..._,.= BIIID ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 3 V.CARO #1_J,ot 10, C. H. & Jean D. Darby to const sing fu:i:res & gar on lot obs 5 1 'ID on Linda Rosa ~ve 1(15' req}. C-3755 12-30-60 Lot 10- AMENDED to obs 10 1 '3B on Linda Rose \ve. C-3755 5-12-61 ~ Lot 4- Permit to Dr. Mark w. & Mrs, Susan Roberts to constr a 2 story addn (15' x 24') to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 11'6" to 14 1611 rear yd where 20' is req, resulting in approx 46.&I, (as amended) coverage, wnere 4~ is perm at 5673 Linda Rosa Ave. betw Bird Rock Ave. & Forweyd St., Zone R-1-5, condl C-9453 8-20-69 j(:ot 11- Permit APPROVED by ZA to CHARLES GREGORY & CHERYL LOUISE CARLSON to maintain a,~arport attached to an existing single-family dwelling; carport observes a 0 1 interior side yard on the south side where 4' is required, at 5631 Linda Rosa Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Conditions.-EXTENSION OF Tl ME DEN I ED BY ZA- 8-7-81 Lots 12 and 13- AGREEMENT to BELDEN B. RAU, existing single-family dwelling, and install at 5625 Linda Rosa Avenue, Zone R-1-5. C-17305 8-7-81 VARIANCE RESCINDED BV ZA 4-19-83 JR. to construct a two car garage on lot with an a half-bath (no tub or shower) in the garage, AGREEMENT #2765 4-2-82