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Development Services

Bird Rock City By The Sea Block 6

BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 6.tif BIRO ROCK CITY- by the- SEA BLOCK 6 S of Lot 2 & all of Lots 3, 4, 5- Permit to the M. Hall Company, Homer W. Brown & Robert L. Cottam to divide into 2 parcels to permit a single-family residence on each, Bellevue Ave Res 424 3-29-46 Por Lots 14 & 15- Permit to Severin Construction Co. to constr. one sing fam res as shown on plat on file in Plan Dept. office, NE corner of Bellevue & Bird Rock Ave, Res 1908 11-21-46 Lot 6 & Nly Lot 7, Archie W. & Margaret 0 1 Neal to construct sin fam res on Bellevue St. Zone R-1 S-296 3-17-55 Lot 8 & Sly Lot 7, Lloyd J. & Floy H. Klassen to construct sin fam res on Bellevue St. Zone R-1 All of Lot 8 S-297 4-27-55 Portion of Lot 7- Permit APPROVED by ZA to THOMAS K. AND ELAINE K. MC KINLEY to construct a three-story, single-family dwelling with second story deck to observe a 13 1-0" front yard where 15 1-011 is required, located at 5737 Bellevue Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-18328 NH 2-7-84