Bird Rock City By The Sea Block 8 Card 1
BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA BLOCK 8 CARD 1.tif-~.._.,................._.~..._..- ~,,--..,,..,....,,,. ~.. BIRD ROCK CITY-BY-THE-SEA BLOCK 8 CARO 1 Lot 5 & Sly of Lot 4- ZA considered your app amended to read to maintain exist detached 8' x 13 1 tool shed located Jess than 70 1 from the front p. 1. which shed obs 0 1 sideyd on the Sly side; & to convert the Nly 20' x 20' por of the main structure back ao two garages with gar doors installed on the front & to remove the partially constructed den, which por to be converted obs O' sideyd on the north, where 5 1 sideyd is req, at 5659 Bellevue Ave. betw Birdrock Ave. & Forward St., R-1 Zone and has DENIED ~he req to maintain the 8 1 x 13 1 storage building, but has APPROVED the amd. req to convert the 20' x 20 1 area back to garages with gar doo.r.s instal Jed on the front, condl C-5793 7-8-63 N-38 ft of Lot 20 & all of 21, 22, & 23- Permit to Union Title Ins & Tr Co. & Homer W. Brown to divide into 3 bldg site, Bellevue Avenue Res 328 7-12-42 S-16 ft. of Lot 6, all of Lots 7, S of Lot 9 & all of Lots 10 and 11- Permit to Frank C. Mortimer, Bldg. & Loan Commissioner and Union Title Ins. and Trust Co., to divide into 3 parcels of land to permit a residence on each parcel on Electric Avenue Res 494 12-30-43 Lot 14 & portion of 13-In agreement with Percy Hill to convert an existing garage of an existing single family dwelling, said conversion containing a bedroom and full bath, with exterior access and interior access through existing family room. Located at 5617 Waverly Ave. Zone: Rl-5000, Map:975 Agreement No. A-4054 07-29-88