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Bird Rock City By The Sea (Resub) Bloc A Card 1

BIRD ROCK CITY BY THE SEA (RESUB) BLOC A CARD 1.tif:IIRD ROCK Cliff BY '1'D SEA (Reaub) BLOCK "A" Lota 7,8- Permit to Dennie R, Bigley &. M.Ball Co. conatr aing fam res on ea w/15' SB on Chelsea_ CARO # 1 ' to div into 2 par fronting on Cnelaea, Rea 1846 10/24/46 Sly 60 1 Lota 7,8- Permit to Otto Smidl to erect res&. maintain 16 1 rear yd, on Chelsea Rea 2467-- 8/27 /.,.,, Lot 1 exc Ely 19.9 & Rly 20' of Lot 2 exc Ely 19.91- Permit to Harold Major & Walter J. Willougtiby to const aing flllll res, Abalone Pl & Bird Rock Ave Res 3703 2/9/49 Lot 6- Permit to Clive M. & Eatellena J. Burnette to erect res, 14' SB, RW cor Bird Rock & Chelsea Res 4325 12/14/49 Lot 4 & Ely 19.9 Lots 1-3- Permit to Harold c. & Dorothy L. Major to erect gar 0' SB, 322 Bird Rock Res 4499 3/8/50 BAME- to conv exist gar in rear to liv quarters (bdrm & bath) & add 4 1 thereto, result in 16 1 rear yd Rea 5088 11/1/50 S 15' of W 100' Lot 2 &. W 100' of Lot 3- Permit to Dr. Jesse & Esther B. Herrell to const res on par split afterzoning but prior to 12/5/54, BE cor Birdrock & Abalone C-1477 10/18/57 S 60 1 Lots 7,8- Permit to Berttia Wanick to const rear porch rood add to obs 7' r'ar;:t.d (20' req, 5720 Chelsea.Res oba 16 1 rear yd,42.~ cov C-2816 9 18/59