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Development Services

Bird Rock Villas Block A Card 1

BIRD ROCK VILLAS BLOCK A CARD 1.tif......._............. ".... ~.................................... BIRD ROCK VILLAS BLOCK A ....... CARD 1 Lot D to K, incl- Permit, CONDITIONAL, to R.L. Haniman to erect an apt hotel with a 51 SB, west side of L.J. Blvd betw Midway & Colima Sts Res 3302 7-21-48 Lot R to W- Permit to Robt. L, Haniman to erect 2 1 x 11 1 sign on roof of bldg facing rear lot 3~1 Midway Res 5691 7-11-51 Lots; of C & N 4 1 of D- Con 1 1 permit to R.L. Haniman, owner & Ann Ghio, lessee, topper restaurant & serve beer & wine only with meals, 5462 L.J. Blvd. Res 5790 Lot R to W- AMENDING Res. #5691 to 16 1 x 2 1 sign, 351 Midway Res 5779 Lot H & I- Permit DENIED to Robt. L. Haniman to bid free-standing for L. J Inn, W side L, J. B 1 vd. Res 6 I 13 Lot H & I- ZC dee OVERRULED By C.C. on Res 6113 ABOVE CC 105390 s Lot C & N 4 1 of D- Permit to Robt. Haniman, owner & Ann Ghio, taurant & serve liquor in R-C por of bldg, condl, 5462 L.J. Blvd. 8-22-51 8-22-51 double-faced sign struc 1-23-52 2-7-52 lessee, to oper res- Res 7092 1-7-53 S Lot C & N 4 1 of D- Permit to Robt. Haniman, owner & Ann Ghio, lessee, considered by CC & FILED (ABOVB) Res. CC110057 1-13-53