Birdrock Addition
BIRDROCK ADDITION.tif 11ra 'iiock Addition ~ 1:.ots 6, 7 & Lot 5 exc. W 5 1- Pemit to Lionel Mayell to const 23 one story gar &Yorage areas, in conne~ with La Jolla Capri Aire Apts., on Colina betw t8- Jolla Blvd & Electric Avenae. cond 11 . Case dll68 5/6/57 Lot 3,4, & Wly 5 1 of 5 Permit to Perle F. Belknap owner 6: Wm. L. Cannin0, pur to const 14 unit apt bldg crossing into R-1, parcel not of record at time of zoning but split prialr to 12-5-54, at 415 Colima, R-1 & R-4, cond'l Case i.'1391 8-3-57 Lots 3,4,,. Wly 5 1 or 5 to Robert J. Stirnkor amending Case 1391 ABOVE to const lJ bed:rm units & 2 studio apts, with 10 park sp~ces, 415 Collma, R-1 & R-4 coa.i'l C.;rl391 6-9-58 Lot l exc W 11 1 f all Lot 2 DENIED Russell & Ethel Crabtree to const double faced freestd neon lighted sign 121 Ligh x 10' wide, b:,ck of SB (40sq. ft sign attach to bldg perm.) 5384 La ~olla Blvd. R-4 zone APPROVED si[;llper plans presented bys. D. Non Siz.,h Co. No. J673 on file, com 11 (La Jolla Biltomre Motel) Case 2691 7-31-59 Lot J exc. 3t. opening & 111 of Lot 2 Z.A. has considered appt of Leo Pe&Tlson (La Jolla Biltmore Hotel) to const double fqced, free standing, interior lighted sign of approx 115 sq. ft. area per fqce; 0.op of pole ap,,rox 29' above grade, back of SB, where max 40 sq. ft sign att to face of bldg is perm; exist sign perm by Case Ho. 2691 to be rAnoved; at 5385 La Jci> lla Blvd., R-4 Zone and has DEtHED the requested J..15 sq. ft. sign top of pole 29 1 abo ve grade, but APFROVED a sig:1 a max of 50 sq. ft. & max height of 14 1 at the NW cor of thi prop as sr.own on revised plot plan, condl. Case No. 6276 4/10/64