Birdrock Addition Block 12 Card 1
BIRDROCK ADDITION BLOCK 12 CARD 1.tif Bnm ltOOIC Almlfl05.. I.LOCK 12 ~ Lots 1,2- Permit to E. R. Applegate to erect & oper 2nd ~welling in R-1, 702 Forward Re 61915 7/19/38 Bly 8' Lot 23, All 24,25,26,27- Permit to M. Hall Co. & Homer W. Brown to div into 3 par w/res on ea par, Bellevue Ave Res 383 8/24/43 Lot 21, 22 & Sly 32' Lot 23- Permit to Amistead B. Carter and M. Hall Co to div into 2 par w/res on ea, Belleview Ave. Res 382 8/24/43 Lot 9-11 = Permit to Union Title & West Coast Corp to div into 2 par w/res on ea, Waverly Ave Res 381 8/24/43 Lots 16, 17- DDIED to Leon & Eva Mae Beatty to split these 2 lots into 2 bldg sites, ea w/62.5 frontage on Midway Res 2248 5/8/47 Lots 16, 17- DDIED to William & Margaret Ernspiker to div into 2 bldg sites, ea w/42.5' frontage on Midway Res 2466 8/27/47 APPEAL ABOVE DENIED Res 8n54 9/30/47 Lot 3- Permit to W. A. Beilson to const 12' x,21' add to res, 4o" sideyd, 5559 Waverly Res 4125 9/7/49 B 32 1 of Lot 25 & s 24' of 26- Permit to Wendell & Cleo Roberts to const den & kft/'.nen V add to res ~aving 3'-8" side yd, 5546 Bellevue C-221 5 5 55