Birdrock Addition Block 13 Card 3
BIRDROCK ADDITION BLOCK 13 CARD 3.tif BIRD ROCK ADDITION BLOCK 13 Lot 10- Coastal.Development Permit granted by the Planning Director HILL at 5527 Beaumont Avenue in the Rl-5000 Zone. CDP 93-0547 c~r~ll- to WALTER HILL & DINAH 1/19/94 IDt 11, CUP/Variance requests 1 & 2 ~e approved, #3 denied subject to corrlitions by ZA, MARSHA OORCKWAY request to maintain violation one story guest quarters on a lot with an existing single family CM:llling, 2) said guest quarter to observe a 1'9" south interior side yard, 3) eaves of said guest quarters to observe a 9" south interior side yard at 5521 Beaurront Avenue, Rl-5000 zone C-21312 9-1-95