Black Mountain Meadows Card 2
BLACK MOUNTAIN MEADOWS CARD 2.tif BLACK MOUNTAIN MEADOWS- CARD #2 Lot 72- Permit APPR9YED by ZA to ROBERT A. & CHERYL A. MILLER to maintain approximately 30' of solid wall varying in height from 2' to 5', observing at the closest point a O' front yard where a maximum 3' high wall is pennitted, and to maintain approximately 68 1 of 7' high retaining wall along the north interior property line where a 6 1 high fence or wall Is permitted, at 14225 Barrymore Street, Zone R-1-5. Condition C-17821 NH 10-19-82 Lot 73- Permit APPROVED by A2A to CLYDE A. & BRENDA F. CONE to erect 63' of retaining wall ranging in height from 3 1-811 to 7' with 92' of sol id wood fence 5' high on top, observing a 0' street side yard where maximum 3' high retaining wall with 3' high, 50% open fence on top is permitted in the required side yard, located at 9002 Stargaze Avenue, Zone R-1-5. Condition. C-18017 NH 7-7-83 Lot 147- AGREEMENT to CHUCK TOWNE to construct addition to single laundry room with outside access, located at 9153 Meadow Run Place, Zone Rl-5000; AGREEMENT #3322 7/2/85 i Lot 19, Variance was denied by ZA, GARY ANDERBERG & SHARON OHLUND requested 1 to maintain an existing detached deck, currently in violation, observing a ' 0'-0" interior side setback where 4'-0" is required and a 0'-0" rear setback where 4'-0" is required at 14380 Barrymore Street, Rl-5000 Zone c-21390 9-4-96