Blethen Subdivision Card 1
BLETHEN SUBDIVISION CARD 1.tif BLETHEN SUBDIVISION Card Ill Lot 10- Permit to Claude Davis to move garage from 6440 E. C. Ave. to 4810?lsb St. HM Res. #1754 7-24-53 Lot 4 & N} of 5- Permit to Cecil V. Burnam to const res, making 2 units, the exist res a obs 3 1 side yd (4 1 req) at 4830 71st St. R-2 C-1610 1-24-58 Lots 14 & lS. (exc NJ 1)- Permit to Charles L. & Ruth I. Silverman to remove exist res & const 16 unit apt bldg w/21.5 1 SB ~DENIED 19 1 SB) Zone R-4, cond 1l 6 months ext exp 8-1-64 cond'l 1-9-64 C-5840 8-1-63 6 months ext exp 2-l-6,&(6-11-64) 6 months__ ext_ exp 8-1-65 (1-29-65) Lots 14 & 15 (except orth 31)- Permit to Charles L. & Ruth I. Silverman to constf 18 unit apt bldg; (1) obs an 18 1 6w sb waere a 20 1 Street widening SB has been estab. (10' of, origini.l 20' street widening SB has been uaeper Engineeriag Dept.) 8.lld a 15' front yd is req, ll& a total 25 1 req bldg SB fro present property line (2) obs 0' SB at alley where 15' rear yd is req, peI"lllitting the use of 10' of alley at!t-635 70th. St. betw Amherst St.&: Colony Rd, Zone R-4 condl c-9o65 l.-22-69