Boadmoor-La Jolla Village (Parcel 3 P.M 6810)
BOADMOOR-LA JOLLA VILLAGE (PARCEL 3 P.M 6810).tif PROADMOOR- LA JOLLA VILLAGE (Parcel 3, P.M. 6810) Lot 1- Permit to Broadmoor Homes to convert garage temporary sales office on the E. side of Gilman Dr. fj_,)_ \ '., attached to one of the S. of La Jolla Village AGREE #AC-99-units Into a Dr. 7/18/78 Lots 1 & 2- ZA consd. the amended reqs. of LA JOLLA TERRACE HOMEOWNERS' ASSN. to constr. 4 identification signs, two on each lot with each sign containng 7.5 sq.ft. of copy area on a 20' long, 66.68 sq. ft., 4' high curving walli signs to be located 10' from street property lines where 15' front yds are reqd. for 3 signs and where a max. 20 sq.ft. identification sign area is permitted per lot located at 8600-8700 block Gilman Drive, Zone R-1000 with conditions,,t:::7 rdru:.lO'~-o.r)- / "5"- r~, C-18740 3/15/85