Bonillo Square Card 001
BONILLO SQUARE CARD 001.tif ' BONILLO SQUARE CARD#l., Lots 6 thru 10- Condl permit to Wm, P. & Ruth C. Odom, Owner, & Alvin J. Fazzio & Glen G. Early, Lessee, to const & operate 2- 18-hole miniature golf courses; with clubhouse in "C" Zone & links extending into CP Zone; & w/off-st parking; at SW corner of University Ave & Bonillo Dr. Case No. 1789 4-11-58 Lots 1 thru 3- Permit to Raffee Rug & Carpet Co, Purchaser, & Abe, Alan S, & Wessel E, Raffee, Owner, to const 5' x 22' & 4 1 x 15' signs on 70' hi tower located in CP Zone; tower 9 1 SB & sign to obs 3' SB (25' SB req) at 6331 University Ave, Zones CP & "c"; (Denied 9 1 SB) but APPROVED 15' SB frm center line of supporting pole to PL, that pole not be neonized. Case Nos. 3298 & 3299 4-22-6o Lots 6 thru 10- Cond to Maude McHenry, Owner, & Thomas B, Stroud, Jr,, Lessee, to deve Por w/golf practice cage & 3 baseball batting cages; gold cage enclosed w/18 1 hi chicken wire & mylon netting; baseball cages enclosed w/10' to 11' hi chain link fence & mylon netting, max ht 35' on top at 6255 University, Zone "c" & CP; CondJ.. Case No, 5886 8-14-63 Lot 5- Permit to Franklin Life Insurance Company, Owner, & Union Oil Company, Lessee, to remove exist ID sign & erect 1 single pole, 7 16" revolving ball, int. lighted, 26 1 hi ID sign w/2 area lighters on 8 1 davit arms: (1) Base o:1' sign to obs 3 18" setback; (2) Edge of sign to obs O' setback; where a 25' setback is eatab & ho sign structures are Rerm; at 6305 University Ave, SE corner of University Ave & Bonillo Dr, Zone CP & Zone "C"~ Case No. 8714 6-12-68----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------