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Bonnie Brae Card 001

BONNIE BRAE CARD 001.tif. ~-----~-~------ ~ -,.,,---,- ~--c---- -..--~---"-- BONNIE BRAE Lot 44- Suspending SB (Mrs. C. F. Curtis, 4640 32rid St. Res. #48774 1-21-29:t.ot 24 (Ord 12321) suspended to allow bldg to a 15 1 SB on Belmont Ave. Granted to H.W. Rinehart Res. #52674 1-6-30 Lot 45-46- Erect a second residence in R-1 Zone. (Res. 70274 11-14-39) Lot 45- Erect a second residence (Ord 12989) (Res. 7)166 1-21-41) Granted to O.J. L. Arsenault, 4897 Circle Dr. Lot 28-29- Conditional permit to Peter H. Snyder 3844 Belmont Ave. to conve~t the lower floor of dwelling to a living unit (2units) SEE AGREEMENT #'21J3 Res. #190 10-8-42 Lot 34- Permit to Mrs. Margaret Irvine to make add to exist residence at 4812 39th St. cor of add to be not less than 3' froffi side lot line Res. #504 1-13-44 Lot 59 tNWly ) Cond 1l permit to Eleanor & Georbe W.Patterson to bld a 300 sq ft bldg to bE used as gar & stge rm at 4804Circle Dr. on the 4 1 sideyd on NEly line & no sideyd on NWly line. Res. ff679 8-3-44 Lot 59 (NWzy) AMENDS rl.ES #679- to permit Eleanor & Beorge W. Patterson to bld a 390 sq f1 bldg to be used as a gar & stg~ rm at 4804 Circle Dr. subject to certain conditions Res. d727 9-19-44